May is Electrical Safety Month (Leviton)

Help Homeowners and Businesses Address Electrical Hazards.
Seek out additional service work by leveraging the National Safety Foundation's awareness program and offer safety solutions.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, an average of 53,000 electrical home fires occur each year, claiming more than 450 lives, injuring more than 1400 people and causing more than $1.4 billion in property damage.

Leviton has developed a list of the "Top 10 Electrical Safety Tips" to keep the home and jobsite safer:

  • Installing Tamper-Resistant (TR) receptacles helps protect young children from the potential dangers of electrical outlets.
  • Installing GFCI's in areas that have greater exposure to water helps guard against electric shock.
  • Utilizing weather-resistant while-in-use covers for outdoor outlets allows for safer use of tools and equipment in inclement weather.

Click here for more info on Leviton products.